
30 NJ Troopers Responsible for 900 Drunk Driving Arrests in 2008

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) recently awarded more than 70 New Jersey police officers for their DWI arrests during 2008. State troopers and officers from Bergen, Hudson and Ocean Counties, among others, were honored at an event supporting the state’s law enforcement community for its efforts in actively locking up drunk drivers. The event was headed by the Executive Director of MADD NJ, Mindy Lazar, and hosted by Pierre’s Restaurant in Middlesex County.

As citizens we can appreciate the difficult and dangerous work that members of New Jersey’s law enforcement community take on every day. What’s surprising is that 30 state troopers accounted for nearly 900 driving while intoxicated arrests last year. That averages out to less than 30 DWI arrests for every trooper. What does this say? Perhaps that the average police officer has less experience in drunk driving cases than any of the DWI defense lawyers currently practicing at our offices.

The three attorneys in our office have a total of 40 years experience between them defending clients in areas such as drunk driving and breath test refusal. Although there are no plea bargains in New Jersey DWI/DUI cases, the drunk driving defense attorneys of this state have some of the highest success rates in the nation. As a former prosecutor myself, I know first-hand that New Jersey prosecutors are taught that they will have a difficult time winning a case when the defendant has a DWI defense lawyer by his side.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, our defense team may be able to work out a favorable sentence or help you avoid conviction for multiple DUIs. Since it costs you nothing to find out how we can help, you have a responsibility to yourself to find out how we can assist you in your drunk driving case. To set up an initial, no-obligation consultation with a qualified legal professional, call toll-free at 877-450-8301.

MADD honors Fairview & River Vale officers among top cops in DWI enforcement,, June 17, 2009

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