
Arrested for DWI At PNC Art Center, Holmdel New Jersey

It is now several years since some very unfortunate alcohol and drug related injuries and/or deaths at the Holmdel Township concert venue – PNC Bank Art Center (“Art Center”). The Art Center attracts a variety of bands and vocalist every concert season, including Phish and other rock bands police associate with enhanced drug and alcohol use. The related concerts give rise to increased police presence and enforcement. The lawyers at our firm, the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, definitely see more Holmdel DWI and drug offense cases when these events take place. As the largest defense firm in Monmouth County and the home of Holmdel’s former prosecutor, Thomas Campo, we have our fair share of appearances in Holmdel every month but even more during the summer. We anticipate police enforcement to continue at these events and readers should be mindful of the risk associated with illegal conduct, particularly as the State Police have a barracks only a few hundred feet from the entrance of the Art Center.

Last summer, at least twenty (20) concert goers were arrested on drug charges at the Phish concert at the Art Center. There were quite a few number of driving while intoxicated arrests as well. The N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 arrests not only involved alcohol intoxication but also individuals who were allegedly under the influence of drugs, especially marijuana. Drug driving while intoxicated case, a.k.a. DUI, are very defensible in our experience given the requirement that the state produce a drug recognition expert. Alcohol related cases are also much more susceptible to success than most anticipate. If you have been charged with DWI or DUI in Holmdel, our defense team is formidable. We have seven (7) driving while intoxicated defense lawyers and the majority of them are dual certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing and on the Draeger Alcotest 7110 —- there are probably less than 15 attorneys with dual certification in the state.

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