
Articles Posted in Drug DWI


Marijuana DUI: The Next Big DWI Crusade?

It’s already on the books, that is, the Garden State’s legal statutes that specify the use of marijuana (and certain other substances) as grounds for being arrested and charged with driving under the influence. Whatever you call it: weed, pot, grass, hash, or just plain Mary Jane, marijuana has for…


Monmouth County DWI Defense: Exploring Various Aspects of a Typical Drunken Driving Arrest

Being stopped by a New Jersey State Police officer or local cop for a traffic offense can be unnerving enough for most people without the added concern of being arrested for DWI. As Garden State drunken driving defense lawyers, my firm is all too aware of the emotions that can…


New Jersey DWI Update: Professional Truck Drivers Risk Everything When Driving Drunk or Drug-impaired

As Garden State DWI defense lawyers, my colleagues and I handle dozens of drunken driving cases every month. While most motorists can be severely inconvenienced by a suspension of their driver’s license if found guilty of driving while intoxicated, the odds are most of them will not lose their jobs…


Ocean County Sobriety Roadblock Nets Police Handful of Intoxicated New Jersey Motorists

Considering the volume of DWI and DUI arrests that are carried out every month in the Garden State, most every drunk driving defense attorney has likely represented at least a few clients who have been charged with driving while impaired after running afoul of the police at a local DWI…


Is There Hope for Habitual Drug Users Outside of being Penalized Heavily for Drug DUI?

As drunk driving defense attorneys, my colleagues and I have for many years represented dozens of motorists accused of driving while intoxicated by alcohol. Young or old, male or female, the odds of being picked up for a DWI here in the Garden State can be quite high, especially if…


A Driver Charged with DWI is One Thing. Being Accused of Drug DUI is Another Altogether

For anyone who has not been through the ordeal of a DWI arrest and court case, please understand that it is often not only a potentially costly exercise, but can sometimes be an embarrassing event in one’s life. For most people in the Garden State, driving while intoxicated is something…


Garden State DWI News: School Bus Driver Sues Police After Being Accused of Drunken Driving

Most likely any parent of school-aged children would feel rather uncomfortable having their kids shuttled about by a person who was impaired by alcohol or drugs. The fact of the matter is, because we value our children and the promise they hold for the future, school systems and motor coach…


Ocean County Drunk Driving Police Blotter: Manchester, Stafford, Lacey and Toms River DWI Arrests

As drunk driving defense attorneys, my legal staff handles a wide range of alcohol- and drug-related cases every year. The defendants in those DWI-related cases have usually been arrested following a roadside police stop arising typically from a rudimentary traffic-related offense. Other accused drunken drivers may have been taken into…


Salem County Police Blotter: Multiple Arrests for DWI and Drug Possession in a Vehicle

Living and working here in the Garden State, one finds that police activity on our highways and byways is certainly not hidden from everyday commuters. Whether driving through Mercer, Union, Somerset or Monmouth County, motorists are witness to routine traffic stops nearly every day on the parkway or interstates, city…


Son of Former D.C. Mayor, Marion Barry, Charged with Marijuana-connected Drug DUI and Possession

To many people a DWI is just a DWI; it’s an instance of being charged by a police officer for driving under the influence of alcohol. However, there are other types of impaired driving offenses, the more serious of which can be those that go under the heading of drug…

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