
Middletown New Jersey First Offense DWI Attorney?

If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated (“DWI”) in Middletown Township NJ, you are probably very confused and intimidated. But while the the DWI law and related penalties, which are set forth at N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 are very stiff, our law firm has many success stories in defending these charges. This is probably because the collective qualification, skill and experience possessed by our defense team is extreme and unparalleled by any other law office in the state. We have 5 of the 50 Alcotest Test certified attorneys in the state; 5 of the 15 who are certified in Field Sobriety Testing (the only other way to prove a driving while intoxicated when scientific evidence is eliminated in a case); 3 of the 5 instructors in Field Sobriety tests; the only New Jersey version of the Alcotest breath test machine; former prosecutors in over 25 municipalities, including 3 adjacent to Middletown; and 100 years of collective experience. Why is this experience and all of these credentials so important?

The law in this state prohibits the Middletown Municipal Court prosecutor from plea bargaining DWI cases. Your attorney must therefore come up with a bona fide issue with respect to the validity of the Alcotest readings or blood so that your BAC can be eliminated and then the Field Sobriety tests, which is the only other way of proving the case, must be attacked. A lawyer who knows the Alcotest as good or better than the arresting officer comes in handy when you need to find an issue to knock out the readings and so too when it comes to dissecting the Field Sobriety testing. There are also those cases where probable cause for the stop or arrest are lacking and 100 plus years of collective experience, including years as area prosecutors, proves to be invaluable. If your serious about defending your Middletown Township driving while intoxicated charge, you have come to the right place. Indeed, we are able to achieve a dismissal of the original Alcotest readings in the majority of the first offense cases which is a significant fact. We would like the opportunity to achieve the same in your DWI case.

Our main office is located in downtown Red Bank, less than a mile from Middletown. Give us a call anytime 24/7 for a consultation with one of our attorneys free of charge.

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