
New Jersey DWI Lawyer Blog


New Jersey DWI News: NTSB Recommend Lowering Legal Blood-Alcohol Content from 0.08 to 0.05 Percent

Question: How do you increase the number of New Jersey drunken driving arrests almost overnight? Answer: Just lower the legal limit for blood-alcohol concentration. The simple Q&A above may seem like a heavy handed attempt at levity, but it actually does have its roots in reality. And, while the scenario…


Garden State Drunk Driving News: Two DWI-related Accidents Occur in Middletown, NJ, Minutes Apart

One of the scariest things that a motorist might face when being charged with drunken driving here in New Jersey is providing a breath sample for the police to determine one’s level of intoxication, namely the person’s blood-alcohol concentration or BAC. Having one’s future hang in the balance based on…


Drunken Boating Alert: New Jersey BUI Charges are as Serious as DWI on Land

The warm weather is fast upon us these days and that can only mean one thing to the nautically-minded among us: It’s boating season in the Garden State. Up and down the Jersey Shore and throughout the state’s inland waterways we will be seeing more and more small craft heading…


New Jersey DWI Update: Breath Test Refusal is a Chargeable and Potentially Costly Offense

As New Jersey drunk driving defense lawyers, my law firm is dedicated to assisting drivers who have been accused or otherwise charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or some other substance which may or may not have caused impairment of the motorist’s mental or…


Ocean County DWI News: Click It or Ticket Law Enforcement Campaign Returns to New Jersey

In a couple of weeks we’ll be heading into not just another big holiday weekend, but the traditional start of the summer. The Memorial Day weekend is one those national holidays that brings out the crowds to many popular venues throughout the Garden State. With the reopening of large portions…


Fighting a New Jersey DWI Charge; Be Logical, Work with a Lawyer and Build Your Case

It’s a fair bet that anyone who has received a drunken driving summons following an arrest for impaired driving did not begin that particular day thinking that she would be charged with a DWI offense. But, these kinds of traffic-related offenses occur every day, day and night, all across the…


Monmouth County DWI Update: All Drunk Driving Arrests are Serious; Some More Serious than Others

By now, most people understand that drinking and driving is about as low as one can go on the scale of social acceptability. Yet it happens every day; another otherwise law-abiding citizen is stopped by police for a simple traffic infraction and subsequently arrested for operating her vehicle while intoxicated.…


New Jersey Motorist Arrested for Drunk Driving After Fleeing Scene of Monmouth County Traffic Accident

In this modern age of inter-linked electronic databases, public safety and private surveillance cameras, as well as those not-so-modern two-way radios and walky-talkies it still amazes us that some individuals feel they can avoid being caught by the police following a civil or criminal incident simply by leaving the scene…


Don’t Complicate a Garden State DWI Case by Combining Drunk Driving with a Traffic Accident

Of course, it’s easy to suggest after the fact that a defendant should or shouldn’t have done this or that prior to or during a DWI arrest. And to suggest that anyone reading this right now will later be going out to willfully drive a motor vehicle while under the…


Driver Charged with DUI, Reckless Driving after Car Reportedly Rams Police Cruiser in Middlesex County

Being charged with drunken driving is no laughing matter, but heaping other offenses on top of a DWI really not desirable. Quite frankly, it is in most people’s best interests to take their fight to a court of law, rather than express anger — physically or verbally — toward the…

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