
New Jersey DWI Lawyer Blog


Facing a Judge Following a DWI Arrest. What New Jersey Motorists May Expect

Most people already understand that being arrested for drunk driving here in the Garden State is hardly a walk in the park. Besides the legal issues, just the mere fact that one has been picked up for drinking and driving can cause problems professionally, as well as personally. Once all…


Morris County Car Crash Results in Drunken Driving Charges for Newark, NJ, Driver

First, some basics: A charge of impaired driving due to alcohol consumption here in the Garden State is based on New Jersey drunken driving laws as reflected in N.J.S. 39: 4-50. Known generally as “drunk driving,” this is referred to variously as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while…


Ocean County Car Crash at Gas Station Leads to Drunk Driving Arrest by Toms River Police

If we’ve mentioned it once, we’ve likely said many dozens of times: a driver only complicates matters involved with a drunken driving charge if there is a traffic accident associated with said DWI. Regardless of whether on lives in Passaic, Essex, Bergen or Ocean County, the police and the courts…


Jersey Residents Arrested for Drunk Driving, DUI and Marijuana Possession in Morris and Union Counties

For anyone who has never been charged with drunk driving there are many aspects of a DWI arrest that can be surprising and even shocking for “first-timers.” As New Jersey drunken driving defense lawyers, I and my colleagues understand the fear and concern that goes along with a first-time DWI…


Sussex County Drunk Driving News: Out-of-State Driver Arrested in Sparta Twp for DWI Accident

Following any arrest associated with driving under the influence, it is never a bad idea to contact a qualified legal professional to understand your particular case and to better know your rights under the law. Particularly if one is charged with DWI, drug DUI, impaired driving of any kind, breath…


A Look at New Jersey’s Many and Varied Penalties for Marijuana-related Offenses

With the recent passage of ballot initiatives in the states of Washington and Colorado legalizing marijuana for recreational use, it’s a fair bet that more than a few individuals in the Garden State probably feel the same way as voters in those states; marijuana is more and more becoming an…


U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s Son Charged with Underage Drinking on Airliner; US Airways Denies Involvement

Sure, we were all young once… and who of us didn’t make at least one questionable decision in their early years? Kids are kids, for Pete’s sake; and if you’re going to make a misstep sometime in your life, childhood or thereabouts is probably the best time to do it,…


Choosing a New Jersey DWI-DUI Attorney is Critical When Your Future is On the Line

Finding an attorney one can trust to fight a charge of drunken driving can be more than somewhat of a concern, especially since most motorists are not predisposed to retaining a DWI-DUI defense lawyer “just in case.” This isn’t to say that any choice should be made in haste when,…


Jersey Drunk Driving Update: State Patrol Officer Fired After Allegedly Faking Dozens of DWI Cases

No one is perfect, though we all hope that certain professionals are as close to representing a particular ideal as is humanly possible. That said, we would never suggest that the actions of any one individual would necessarily represent the thoughts, actions or mindset of an entire group of people…


Blogger Posts National “Map” of Fatal Drinking and Driving Accidents

With New Year’s pretty much in our collective rearview mirror it may not be totally inappropriate to look at the impact that drinking and driving has on our society, not only in terms of injuries and deaths from driving under the influence of alcohol or prescription drugs, but also from…

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