
Articles Posted in Sobriety Checkpoints


Anti-DWI Enforcement Update: Westfield Police Taking to the Streets this St. Patrick’s Day

As drunk driving defense attorneys, the legal staff here at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have a great deal of expertise in defending motorists accused of operating their car, truck or motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol, doctor-prescribed meds and even illegal substances (also referred to as…


Jersey Residents Arrested for Drunk Driving, DUI and Marijuana Possession in Morris and Union Counties

For anyone who has never been charged with drunk driving there are many aspects of a DWI arrest that can be surprising and even shocking for “first-timers.” As New Jersey drunken driving defense lawyers, I and my colleagues understand the fear and concern that goes along with a first-time DWI…


Could Cash Incentives for Reporting Garden State DWIs Help NJ Police with Drunken Driving Enforcement?

Most New Jersey drivers already know that state and federal law enforcement and traffic safety groups spends a great deal on anti-drunken driving education and enforcement, especially around the holidays. We can see it constantly; the increased DWI-DUI patrols on our highways and surface streets, more frequent drunk driving roadblocks…


NJ DWI Defense Update: Chronic Drunken Driving Can Lead to Drunk Driving Arrests

There’s little defense for poor decisions made in haste. Whether that applies to being pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, leading to a DWI or drug DUI summons; or if its making the wrong choices heading into a court hearing on a charge of driving while intoxicated, a poor…


New Jersey Receiving Millions in Anti-Drunk Driving Grants for DWI Enforcement across the Garden State

For anyone who wonders if the nation’s financial woes have impact enforcement of drunken driving laws here in the Garden State, the short answer is likely, No, at least in the near term. As New Jersey DWI defense attorneys, I and my legal staff talk to dozens of individuals every…


The Joyous Holiday Season Can See More DWI Patrols, Frequent Drunk Driving Arrests for NJ Residents

Throw another Yule log on the fire and pour a bit more holiday cheer, but be very careful not to celebrate and drive all in the same timeframe. Here in the Garden State, like many areas around the country at this time of the year, the period from Thanksgiving through…


Garden State Drunk Driving Arrest Update: With the Thanksgiving Holiday Coming, Anti-DWI Enforcement is Imminent

It’s fair to say that during portions of the calendar year there are more than an average number of DWI, drug DUI and other alcohol-related driver arrests that occur, especially when the holidays are concerned. Just as the various annual “Over the Limit, Under Arrest” anti-drunken driving campaigns net state…


Garden State DWI Defense Update: Sobriety Roadblocks Quite Common in New Jersey, Elsewhere

To borrow a turn of phrase, it seems that one can’t swing a cat with hitting a drunken driving checkpoint here in New Jersey. With apologies to cat lovers everywhere, the point we’d like to make is that state and local law enforcement agencies do appear to use sobriety roadblocks…


A Look at Field Sobriety Tests Used by New Jersey Patrolmen During DWI-related Traffic Stops

It’s something that we get asked numerous times every year: What is it like to be stopped for drunk driving and how can I be prepared for such an event? As New Jersey DWI defense lawyers the first thing were are apt to say would be don’t let yourself get…


DUI Enforcement Update: NJ Sobriety Checkpoints Going Up Tonight, Anticipating St. Patrick’s Day Celebrants

As drunken driving defense attorneys representing New Jersey residents and other drivers accused of DWI or drug-related impaired driving (drug DUI), I and my legal team have more than 100 years of collective experience in defending individuals charged with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or a…

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